Environment Consulting

The actions necessary for the well-being of the common "house".


The actions necessary for the well-being of the common "house".

Sistema de gestão ambiental

  • Implementação do sistema de gestão ambiental com base na ISO 14001:2015
  • Auditoria interna ao sistema
  • Melhoria contínua ao sistema
  • Conformidade legal

Licenciamento único ambiental

  • Apoio em todo o processo de caracter técnico que permitam cumprir os requisitos do Regime de Licenciamento Único de Ambiente, instituído pelo Decreto-Lei n.º 75/2015, de 11 de maio

Avaliação de impacte ambiental

  • Estudos de impacte ambiental (EIA)
  • Avaliação de impacte ambiental (AIA)

Pegada de Carbono

Cálculo da pegada de carbono segundo ISO 14064 e GHG

ISO 14001

ISO 14001 has a similar structure to ISO 9001 and seeks to establish a high level management structure within the organisation based on international environmental management standards.

The standard will address the company's relationship with the environment, its environmental strategy and the way its operations directly and indirectly impact the surrounding nature.

There will be the establishment of indicators and the establishment of continuous improvement processes in the company's environmental results. The standard is also in its 2015 version.

Carbon Footprint

The carbon footprint represents the total volume of greenhouse gases (GHG) generated by human economic and daily activities. It is important to know this data - expressed in tonnes of CO2 emitted - in order to adopt and implement the necessary measures to reduce it as much as possible, since this also depends on each of us in our daily lives.

At the corporate level it is possible to perform the footprint calculation in several factors, namely:

  • Global carbon footprint calculation

  • Calculation of the carbon footprint to the product

Through this calculation it is possible for the company to draw up a plan for the reduction of greenhouse gases, and also to apply for various economic funds that require this point.