Agenda de Formação

Training in Environmental Management System

A certificação de sistemas de gestão ambiental, suportados na norma de referência ISO 14001, constitui uma ferramenta essencial para as organizações que pretendem alcançar uma confiança acrescida por parte dos clientes, colaboradores, comunidade envolvente e sociedade, através da demonstração do compromisso voluntário com a melhoria contínua do seu desempenho ambiental.

A ISO 14001 adota a abordagem por processos, que incorpora o ciclo PDCA de melhoria contínua, integra o pensamento baseado em risco e a perspetiva de ciclo de vida. Pode ser adotada por qualquer Organização, pública ou privada, independentemente da sua dimensão e setor de atividade.

Com esta formação, pretendemos capacitar os nossos formandos para a implementação da ISO 14001:2015, mas também, a sua integração com outros tipos de certificação.The certification of environmental management systems, supported by the ISO 14001 reference standard, is an essential tool for organisations that want to achieve increased confidence from customers, employees, the surrounding community and society, by demonstrating voluntary commitment to the continuous improvement of their environmental performance.

ISO 14001 adopts the process approach, which incorporates the PDCA cycle of continuous improvement, integrates risk-based thinking and the life cycle perspective. It can be adopted by any Organisation, public or private, regardless of its size and activity sector.

With this training, we intend to enable our trainees to implement ISO 14001:2015, but also its integration with other types of certification.

Choose a variant:

Starting at 225.00 €

Training objective:

  • To enable trainees to implement ISO 14001:2015 and simultaneously realise its integration with other environmental certifications.


9 January

  • Interpretation of the ISO 14001:2015 standard

16 January

  • Environmental indicators
  • Environmental aspects

26 January

  • Compliance obligations, non-conformities, continuous improvement and integration of other certifications into the environmental management system
  • Management review
  • Challenges of implementing the standard


  • Online Training
  • Content available
  • 9 hours divided into 3 sessions of 3 hours
  • Time: 19h to 22h (PT mainland time)
  • Days: 9, 16 and 23 January 2024
  • Price: 390€ 1x | 225€ 2x
  • Minimum of 5 enrolments for training to take place


Daniela Amorim, Master in environmental engineering, PhD student in environmental engineering and lead auditor of management systems since 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact us: